Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Eyes On The Lord

In life's vast sea, waves high and low,
On God alone, our gaze we throw.
Not on the storm, nor on the self,
But on Divine, our truest wealth.

With faith and courage, we navigate,
God's wisdom guides us through every gate.
Greater than any circumstance we meet,
God's power makes the challenge sweet.

We view life through faith's clear lens,
Trust in His love, on Him depends.
Not self-sufficient, we confess,
In every aspect, we need His bless.

Patiently for His mercy, we wait,
Acknowledging our need, however great.
With humility, to Him we draw near,
In His presence, we find no fear.


To you I lift up my eyes who are enthroned in heaven. Behold, as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters. As the eyes of a maid are on the hands of her mistress, so are our eyes on the Lord, our God, till he has pity on us. (Psalm 123:1-2) 

We should focus our attention on God, not on our circumstances or ourselves. Focusing our attention on God helps us gain a divine perspective and enables us to navigate through life’s challenges with faith and courage. It reminds us that God is greater than any circumstance we might face, and that our strength comes from Him. 

This doesn’t mean we ignore our circumstances or ourselves, but rather we view them through the lens of faith, trusting in God’s wisdom, power, and love. 

We are not self-sufficient; we need God’s help in every aspect of our lives. Let us wait patiently for God’s mercy, acknowledging our need for His grace, and approach Him with humility.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You today, acknowledging that our attention should be focused on You, not on our circumstances or ourselves. Help us to gain a divine perspective that enables us to navigate through life’s challenges with faith and courage.

Remind us, Lord, that You are greater than any circumstance we might face, and that our strength comes from You. Help us to view our circumstances and ourselves through the lens of faith, trusting in Your wisdom, power, and love.

We confess that we are not self-sufficient; we need Your help in every aspect of our lives. Teach us to wait patiently for Your mercy, acknowledging our need for Your grace.

Help us to approach You with humility, recognizing our dependence on You. May we always trust in Your unfailing love and mercy.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Fifth Book of Psalms 107-150
Psalm 123:1-4

Responsorial Psalm | Psalm 123:1-2, 2

R: To you, O Lord, I lift up my eyes. 

1 To you I lift up my eyes who are enthroned in heaven. 2 Behold, as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters. (R) As the eyes of a maid are on the hands of her mistress, so are our eyes on the Lord, our God, till he has pity on us. (R) 


Psalm 123 is a part of a series of Psalms (120-134) known as the “Songs of Ascents,” traditionally sung by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. Here’s some background information:

Author and Date: The author of Psalm 123 is not explicitly mentioned in the Psalm itself. However, it is traditionally attributed to King David. The date of its composition is also not specified.

Context: These Psalms were sung during the three major Jewish festivals when the Israelites were required to ascend to Jerusalem.

Purpose: Psalm 123 is a heartfelt prayer, an appeal to the mercy and grace of the Lord3. It shows the psalmist’s profound humility and acknowledges his servitude and dependence on God.

The specific verses you mentioned (Psalm 123:1-2, 2) express the psalmist’s complete dependence on God. The psalmist declares his intention and action — to lift up his eyes to the LORD. This means that his eyes are not on his circumstances or himself, but on the LORD. By remembering where God is, the psalmist grows in trust and confidence. Earth may have no mercy or help, but heaven has plenty of mercy and help. The psalmist looks to God with the same intensity, devotion, and steadfastness as a servant looks to the hand of their master.

Learning Lessons:

The verses Psalm 123:1-2, 2 are rich with lessons for our spiritual journey. Here are some key takeaways:

Look to God: The psalmist declares his intention and action — to lift up his eyes to the LORD. This teaches us to focus our attention on God, not on our circumstances or ourselves.

Dependence on God: The psalmist expresses complete dependence on God. This reminds us that we are not self-sufficient; we need God’s help in every aspect of our lives.

Wait for God’s Mercy: As servants look to their masters, the psalmist looks to God for mercy. This encourages us to wait patiently for God’s mercy, acknowledging our need for His grace.

Humility: The psalmist’s attitude reflects profound humility. He acknowledges his servitude and dependence on God. This teaches us the importance of humility in our relationship with God.

These lessons from Psalm 123 can guide us in our faith journey, encouraging us to focus on God, depend on Him, wait for His mercy, and approach Him with humility. (Conversation with Copilot)

Body Abides in Confidence

In the shelter of Your wings, we find our peace,  A refuge from the storm, where fears cease.  You are the source of every good and perfect ...